Budget Web Hosting. Does Price Really Matter? |
Budget web hosting information is everywhere around the web. And it’s getting more difficult not to get lost in those budget web hosting offers and even more difficult to find a really great cheap hosting provider. TopHostingRatings.com’s reviews and ratings are especially made to give you recommendations for choosing the best cheap hosting provider.
When choosing among several cheap hosting providers price is not crucial! Things to consider when choosing budget hosting plan are:
disk space offered
server and platform type
customer support
downtime percentage
types and number of e-mail accounts provided
The cheapest of all cheap web hosting plans is free web hosting. And unfortunately its quality is as low as its price. Free web hosting has a lot of drawbacks which are: extremely high percentage of drawbacks, ads uncontrolled content that will cover your site, trifling disk space and bandwidth, customer support is not provided. In fact free web hosting can be an acceptable only in case if you don’t have any budget for hosting your site at all.
You can get access to effective and reliable budget web hosting for $4 -$10 month fee (whole year payment is usually demanded). That’s what usually shared hosting plans offer you.
The first thing to consider when choosing budget hosting provider is a disk space. As a rule web page is not for more than 40-50 kbytes. A heavy graphical web page is usually not more than 80 kbytes. So disk space that cheap hosting providers usually offer is more than enough to “publish” your site.
Another important piece cheap web hosting information is bandwidth which means a measure of traffic offered. Most of sites use not more than 2Gb of bandwidth for a month. Only if your web site is covered with graphics and your visitors number is constantly growing and it’s about several thousands, only in this case you’ll need a really high bandwidth level. But in such a case budget hosting services are not what you actually need.
Server type and platform used for cheap web hosting also matters. There a lot of different types of services that usually offer Windows or UNIX-based cheap hosting. In case of using budget hosting you can’t choose neither the type of server nor the platform. That’s what provider dictates.
Budget web hosting information you have to pay attention to when choosing budget web hosting service is also will it provide your site with stable connection, what is the percentage of downtimes anticipated? No matter how low price is, you won’t be satisfied by cheap hosting if downtimes level is high and your pages are often unavailable
One more thing to clear up is type and number of e-mail accounts provided by budget hosting service. Can this host provide you with domain based email accounts? Or you still will have to use your free mail server account?
Budget hosting market is growing rapidly. And it’s getting more and more difficult to choose really worthy cheap hosting service. TopHostingRatings.com works to provide you with complete and unbiased cheap web hosting information. Cheap hosting providers we review are really worth of your attention.
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